Maitresse Hopper

For those of you wondering what might have happened to Hannah, Google "Argentine Junta," "Buenos Aires Naval Academy," and "Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo."

In the book, Offred agrees to Serena Joy's plan to have Nick get her pregnant in exchange for intel on the whereabouts of her daughter. SJ finds out that Hannah's been adopted by a Commander and his wife, and she gives Offred a picture. When SJ gave her the music box, I thought she might have stuck a picture of Hannah

He's so good at playing a creep that it pretty much kills any lady boners. Just like when his big brother played Amun Goethe in Schindler's List and later Voldemort.

Nikolaj Coster Waldau isn't an amputee IRL and neither is Sofia Boutella, who plays the "blade runner" assassin Gazelle in Kingsmen.

In the Pinter adaptation (with Natasha Richardson as Offred), they used Fine Young Cannibals' "Johnny Come Home," which I think worked really well.

My friend and I always joke that if Gilead were real, we'd be bound for Jezebel's. We are twisted individuals, I know.

I'm pretty sure it was set in the present. He was trading contraband with the Martha while Waterford went on his "pretend" date with June. And then said Martha tried to offer him food and sex, which he declined because of his sad over June and Waterford and because the only woman he has eyes (and boners) for is June.

Factory Kitchen in Los Angeles makes a Ligurian pesto so delicious, you want to bathe in it. SO THERE.

Random stuff:

I was eagerly awaiting this episode because Samira Wiley's been killing it this season as Moira and, as a book reader, I knew this was Moira's big return. I wanted to see what Wiley would do with a big character moment for Moira: her resignation and acceptance of her fate as a state-sanctioned prostitute. A tragic,

Is that what happened? But what about Mathu's deleting all of his social media accounts? No one's seen or heard from him, as best I recall. Again, hope he's okay.

Oooh, child, let me tell you. He used to have a wonderful makeup artist named Mathu Andersen. Complete genius. This guy is probably the best makeup artist alive. The faces he paints are beat. for. the. gods, hunny. (A "beat" is drag lingo for doing up your face.)

YASS GAWD MOMMA. *tongue pop*

Broad City is one of those shows liberal, feminist, graduate-degree holding me should be watching, but I just don't.

You're not "born" with a gender identity. You're born with a biological sex, and even that's pushing it because biological sex isn't 100% rigid (XXY females, 23rd chromosome differences, etc.). We choose our genders based on a variety of different factors; some are inherent, others environmental.

Drag etiquette states that a queen is always addressed as "she" when she is in drag, and a "he" when out of drag. Par example, Brian McCook is a he, but when he transforms into Katya Zamolochikova, Katya is addressed as "she." Justin Honard is addressed as "he" out of drag, but when he becomes Alaska Thunderfuck, Ms.

Yet another reason why the trade delegation subplot in "A Woman's Place" bothers me so much. "We have heard rumors, but it's hard to separate fact from fiction."

I get the impression that Canada's rounding up and extradition of American refugees happens a bit further into Gilead's​ history; and that some, if not most, of the refugees have time to high tail it across the pond to safety. There's mention of a community of former handmaids living in London.

Having read most of the comments in this review, I find it hilarious that most people fear Offred's turning into Katniss. Katniss isn't some Amazonian super woman who swoops in and saves the day. She's a sullen teenager who's driven to survive for the sake of her family, gets inadvertantly swept up in a rebellion she

True. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist and we actually have more to fear from crazy, backwoods, paranoid, quasi-paramilitary survivalist types than to laud.