Maitresse Hopper

My guess is that the convent belongs to a Prolethean faction. We haven't heard from them since we left Heinrich's farm in season 2, and even though last season's Beth flashbacks briefly showed the Prolethean she accidentally shot (Maggie something), I really don't get why she and Beth crossed paths in the first place.

As sweet as Kristian Bruun and Tatiana Maslany may be, The Handmaid's Tale ruined Bruun for me. Every time I see Donnie, I see the creepy doctor who felt up Offred and propositioned her while she was lying on an examination table. Blegh.

<quote>The show's admirable in how it tries to find the value in so many non-obvious walks of life. (How many TV shows would have depicted a character like Krystal with anything but thinly-veiled contempt?).</quote>

Allison may not be a geneticist (or what is it that Cosima studies? Evolutionary and Developmental Biology?), a hacker, an assassin, a grifter, or even a damn esthetician, but she is a FIERCE clone *tongue pop*.

Moar Pit Crew is always a good thing. I miss Bryce. He makes me thirsty.

I still call bull poopy on the whole "Villaintina" thing. She had her eyes on the prize and kept mostly to herself, that doesn't make her a villain. And it goes both ways, too. If the queens wanted Valentina to get to know them, they should have reached out. During the competition, I got the sense that the queens

What did Sasha say other than, "Valentina, you really didn't make an effort to get to know us"? Shea was the only one spitting nails and acid at the other girls.

I'm starting to resent the fact that Shea got away with a LOT of things other queens have gotten read over this season. Nina BoNina Phylicia Allen Rashad Brown keeps wearing the same tired silhouette, you say? So is Shea! Valentina lands in the bottom two because she failed to complete the challenge as set? Well look

Gurl, I love Valentina as much as you do, but Sasha's a Fulbright Scholar. If she talks like she knows a thing or two, it's because she does. She can't help it if people have a tendency to confuse "erudite" with "condescending."

This reunion was the complete embodiment of IRONY. An entire cast of queens who spent the past season bitching about how girls who need constant reassurance and validation are needy, entitled, and should cut that shit out (Nina, Alexis) proceed to bitch about how Valentina was the villain of the season because she

Your poor kitty! Ugh, animal cruelty effing sucks, man.

Holy shit, that MK death scene was brutal. "Rage, Sarah, rage!" indeed. Ferdinand basically crushed the life out of Mika (like *crushed*), and for what?

She mentions the death by mob of Princess de Lamballe as an inspiration for particicution, but IIRC, there are conflicting accounts of what happened. The most likely scenario is that she was stabbed to death by a couple of men in an alley rather than torn apart by an angry mob.

When I read that I was like, "Great. Peg Atwood is one of those whiny show watchers complaining that they're turning Offred into Katniss."

Either Nick got wind of June's message to her and he confiscated them or she knows of a Martha in the resistance and she turned them over to her. Cuz remember, the Marthas have their own network.

Waterford is toast according to the epilogue. He was tried and executed during the Great Purge, along with many of the "original architects" of Gilead. Since Serena is one of the architects on the show, I'm guessing his fate will befall her.

Heck no! I've been waiting fifteen years to find out what happened to Offred after she climbed into that van. There are context clues in the novel's epilogue: maybe she made it to Canada, maybe she made it all the way to Europe, maybe she made it to Canada only to be extradited; maybe she never made it out of Gilead

No, he wasn't. He was having tea with Erin, the woman from his group who also made it out, then he was called into a meeting at the American Consulate. It's implied that he keeps bugging them to find June and Hannah.

One of the main points of the novel is how complacency made Gilead possible. One gets the sense from Offred's narration that she regrets being complacent ("we weren't paying attention when…"). While the novel revolves mostly around Offred, the show has expanded beyond her, and if episode 7 is any indication, I get the

Oooookay, let's try this again…