Maitresse Hopper

I don't think Danllo means that Gilead would honor the Second Amendment. Rather, that crazy, quasi-paramilitary survivalist types in our world kinda maybe have a point in that it's good to be prepared for when the world goes to shit. Maybe think about keeping a small cache of weapons, some food, some water, and a good

The epilogue (set 100 years in the future from the events in the novel) mentions "the Republic of Texas" and an archeological excavation in "what used to be Seattle."

That people feel entitled to a BFG ("big fucking gun," not "big friendly giant"), and if you tell them otherwise, in their mind, that's like saying, "no guns, period."

Doesn't Moira have a girlfriend or wife in the series? Maybe they got separated and Moira got caught trying to look for her, only to find out that she had been killed (an LGBT "purge" was mentioned in one ep).

It's funny that I don't remember how Moira ended up at the Red Center in the first place, but

I don't think anyone on the other side of the gun debate is saying that you can't own a gun. They're just saying that you shouldn't own one if you have a criminal record, are mentally unfit to own one, and also you can own a hand gun, not an assault rifle or a fucking rocket launcher.

And some stray observations:

I complained really loudly last week about how "A Woman's Place" was such a radical departure from the book and how hard it was for me to suspend disbelief because it didn't really work. This episode is also another radical departure, but I ended up enjoying it a lot more and find it a little more believable within

Shirtless bear wearing a leather cap and chaps, so it's a very *specific* kind of gay bar (leather bear community).

"Your ass is grass. And I'm gonna mow it."


"Hi girl!"
"Hi girl yourself, you little Bog to Beach baby!"

I thought we were in for a Family Fracas style disaster the minute Jimmy Pesto came over to taunt Bob and Bob divulged his plans to Jimmy. "Shut your mouth!" I screamed at Bob. "Haven't you realized that Pesto always ruins your plans whenever you tell him what those plans are?"

Maybe weapons: the War on Drugs has equipped Federales with some sweet sweet tanks, RPGs, and the like. Perhaps international recognition and legitimization of Gilead's status as a nation.

Completely unbelievable. Lydia is not known for her compassion. Also, the Aunts outrank the Wives; no way would Serena ever talk down to or give an Aunt orders.

You bring up a good point about the fertility crisis maybe being relegated to North America. In the epilogue, the United States may not have been the only nation in the continent to break up. The academic conference takes place at the University of Denay in Nunavit — Nunavut is a Canadian province, but the university

My copy is a pretty recent edition and it's in there. There's a scene at the Red Center where Moira tells June that Lydia reads newspapers in her office, and during the Salvaging/Particicution scene, June notes that the Aunts like to take their time unfurling the pieces of paper off which they read the charges levied

Republicans are definitely complicit in the Trump/Bannon/Kushner shit show.

Anti-Catholic sentiment does not go over well in Mexico. Post-revolution, the new regime tried to outlaw all religious practice and it ended up sparking a Catholic insurgence; la guerra de los Cristeros.

As for Serena Joy, the show pretty much stuck by her characterization in the book, minus her being a 700 Club style televangelist. Atwood based her, in part, on Phyllis Schlafley, and like TV! Serena, Phyllis was a pundit and author who championed "traditional values" as a counter to "toxic feminism." I wonder if the