Maitresse Hopper

*clears throat*

I wonder if the show will introduce an established Marvel baddie as Fitz's dad. Maybe Fitz is actually the son of a Hydra higher up, which is why it's so prevalent in the framework and why Aida was able to highjack it for her purposes.


Thought of one more:

"He may not be a sugar daddy, but he's a *daddy* sugar."

Duncan was voiced by Rhys Darby, who is a Kiwi and appeared in fellow Kiwi Taika Waititi's film Hunt for the Wilderpeople, according to IMDb. Kind of a missed opportunity for either of the Conchords, considering K-Schaal played their stalker.

Holy shit, this part of the ep was GOLD. When the doorbell rang, I honestly thought Louise had gotten her dad a couple of strippers. Possibly hookers. Cuz that's Louise, for ya. She goes big.

It's an objective fact, at this point, that the Belcher kids get their crazy from their mother and her side of the family. Gayle was introduced as being off the deep end from the get go: shaved her cat, wore a dress made entirely out of shrimp to mass, ate her lipstick because she wanted to swallow the color red. And

Ugh, that storyline was soooooooo stupid. Season One was phenomenal, Two was even better, but Three? A pimple on an otherwise flawless bottom.

Or the Attic, but happy(er).

Agent My Mortgage Doesn't Pay Itself

Buffy's middle name is Anne because Joss is a big ol' Anglophile and a silly billy who thought that naming his heroine after the British equivalent of Victoria's Secret was pretty durn funny.

Judgment of show quality is really subjective. You think that happens to be a great show, I think the entire first half of the second season was an extreme bore, and the second half of the second half was completely ruined by Briana's shit acting and Claire's awful "old age" make up.

What do you mean there wasn't a shout out to the events of Dr. Strange? Aida and Ratcliffe built a contraption that replicates what one can accomplish with a sling ring by using an ancient (and possibly evil) tome.

O Come All Ye Faithful in Latin? Very impressive. Almost as impressive as Gene apparently having watched Eyes Wide Shut.

Slow Mo shoot outs set to a classical music soundtrack are a staple of John Woo's oeuvre.

When I was a kid, I used to hear stories from a neighbor about how she and her younger brothers survived the Salvadorean Civil War (hi Daniel! Oops, wrong show…) by hiding under the floor boards of their house during the day and eating nothing but bananas.

Tara and Dr. Denise were sweethearts before Dwight put a crossbow bolt through Denise's eye while trying to kill Darryl. For all his trouble, Dwight got his junk bitten by Eugene.

The fact that Phil is still alive, then, is proof that Liz couldn't have orchestrated Princess Diana's death. That is, if she didn't care enough to kill off the man laughing at her behind her back, then why would she care about a former daughter in law marrying a Muslim?

I was looking for a Downton Abbey replacement and this show delivers 100%. Succession crisis (they cover the abdication in flashbacks)! Sisters being total bitches to one another! An inter-class love story that ends in heartbreak! Posh people acting like dicks (fuck you, Phil and Ed, you smarmy bastards)! A crumbling