Maitresse Hopper

Yeah, but have you seen the Spencer cousins? Meow!

OMG, I felt so guilty about this, but while touring an exhibition at Kensington Palace of royal fashion, I thought, "Damn. Queen Liz has a mighty fine rack!"


Duuuuude. Ben Ben is so not a one-trick pony. The bulk of his ouvre may be "asshole with a British accent," but he's got range. Have you seen either Twelve Years a Slave or August: Osage County?

Given that HRC's campaign slogan is Stronger Together, they didn't need to spell it out for us.

Cecily Strong's one of the shows' top writers, possibly *the* head writer. She's from Chicago. Ergo, Cubs cameo.

He's actually cheated on Liz?!? Do tell.

Fuck Rolaskatox. I'VE HAD IT OFFICIALLY…with those bitches saving Roxxxy's butt every. single. week.

Much like Captain America, I understood that reference.

Legit question: what happened to Misty's boobs? They went from "my cups runneth over" in the first episode to completely nonexistent by the season finale, and it's not like Misty's work clothes were overly loose or baggy.

I realize attraction is subjective, but where I'm standing, that's a big nope. Chris Evans is cute. Frank Grillo is cute. Anthony Mackie is cute. Sebastian Stan is cute. I would ride Mike Colter like a mechanical bull. Theo Rossi? Meh.

I wouldn't mind having Jessica slap Claire around a few times for stealing her man. Hashtag: Team Jessica Jones Cage.

Season grade: I would totally hate-fuck Shades.

Also, Coleman Domingo's talents are clearly wasted on this show. I would love to see him on Luke Cage.

I'm really pissed off that Chris got his comeuppance off screen. Is that what really happened? Are we sure? Lame. Now we'll never know.

Laganja's whole thing about Adore and Bianca "coming" for her and feeling "very attacked!" stems from her not being able to smoke while filming. Willam, who's been a one man crusader against WoW since the first time she was "declined" for All Stars, had a very public spat on social media with WoW producers over their

I probably laughed at her commercial the most. She's like a grown up Honey Boo Boo and she's selling go go juice to boot.

Hold up, queen. Detox is a much stronger competitor than Roxxxy. Like, way stronger. They're nowhere near the same league. In fact, this season should have been called "All Stars 2…and also Phi Phi and Roxxxy and CoCo for some reason."

I'm still pissed off about Mrs Kasha Davis.

And I guess when they sell it at Drag Con, it's just going to be a body spray with funny branding on it with like, some relaxing aromatherapy scent? Cuz there's no way Katya gets to sell a prescription anti-psychotic.