Maitresse Hopper

And yet not as bad as Aubrey O'Day. Holy shit, Aubrey O'Day was THE WORST.

It may not have done anything for you, but if you're a "straight-up motherfucking dick pig," those 10 minutes were everything.

I've rewatched season five this year and it is mind blowing. Alaska is a completely different queen on All Stars than she was in her season. She's more polished, happier, and way, waaaay more confident in herself. Rumor has it that the stresses of the competition and Alaska's repeated attempts to make the show took a

Uh, no. It would still matter. If you're going to set your show in Mexico and have Spanish-speaking Mexican characters, hire Mexican or Mexican-American actors who speak the language with the right accent.

Drunk person complaining about a drug addict's behavior? Deeply ironic.

Actually, illicit border crossings have steadily declined over the past few years. It's much riskier to cross now and people are spooked by horror stories of cartels (the guys who control the Coyotes and Polleros) taking people's money and leaving them to die in the middle of the desert with no water.

This show is shitty to Mexicans because the Mexicans aren't actually played by Mexicans. It's jarring to hear a Caribbean or Central American accent (*) coming out of people's mouths. Sooooo jarring.

Hmmmm… My comment failed to post, and I suspect it had something to do with my being less than kind to a certain villainous, toxic little queen. Whatever.


Random thoughts and musings:

I dunno, are rewrites considered expensive? "My father never talked about his life in Panama" vs. "My father never talked about his life in El Salvador."

I wonder how much Nick resembles (or is supposed to resemble) the late Mr. Clarke. I wonder if Madison is so overprotective of Nick because she blames herself for not saving her husband from himself.

Baja has a huge expat retiree community of Americans, so a lot of businesses look for people who are bilingual. That gives people an incentive to learn English, so it's possible that some of the people living in la colonia had learned in the time before the outbreak.

Twenty years ago, I would agree with you. The show (by virtue of its parent show) has a huge international following and if the accents are jarring to me — who is considered a "pocha" for having lived in the U.S. far longer than in the motherland; even though my Spanish is leaps and bounds better than most "pochos" —

Travis Manawa is Maori American(*). If the surname didn't give it away, he mentioned having to take his grandmother's body back to New Zealand in that one ep with the lighthouse family.

Continued stray observations:

Reason number one million this show is so frustrating? THE SPANISH SPEAKERS' ACCENTS ARE SO JARRING.

This show is equal parts entertaining and enraging. "Let's hit viewers over the head with the whole 'grieving mother' theme!" "Things are going way too smoothly for the hotel contingent, let's hand somebody an idiot ball!" "Let's make Ofelia chase after the fiancé she casually mentioned that one time, even though

Because Baja California, Mexico is crazy hot.

I want "straight-up motherfucking dick pig" on my business cards.