Maitresse Hopper

And then Claire knew when Geillis squealed something about going to a fucking barbecue. Did they have barbecues in the World War II era?


Also, his name may be Seth, but to me, he'll always be Pornstache Clone.

Okay, kids. Let's talk about Dr. Cody…

Although I'm not from Azusa, I am as ghetto as Adore Delano and will ahem, stab a bitch, if necessary ^_^.

The record is apparently contradictory on that issue. Someone on "Oh Pit Crew!" said he was straight — I watched that video too, and I think Bryce may have said "no I'm not," but you can't really hear him. Then, Mama Ru goes on Watch What Happens, and Andy Cohen, bless her horny heart, immediately asks Ru if Bryce is

I only bring up the porn thing because Shawn Morales, who used to be on Pit Crew and whom I also had a crush on, did porn. And I know this because it was mentioned on a RPDR blog.

But maybe he's bi? *wimper*

Don't get my hopes up, now.

I will gladly challenge you to a knife fight over Bryce. To quote a Monica and Brandy song from the 90's, "I'm sorry that you / seem to be confused / he belongs to me / the boy is mine."

So that explains her obsession with…

That header image is giving me life! So so so very happy with the addition of the hot ginger (Bryce?) to the Pit Crew. Though a bit sad to see yet another hot guy I'd have a snowball's chance in hell of attracting due to lack of penis.

OMG COMIC SPOILERS WAH! *whine* *fart noise*

This was a terrific season ender, IMO. A massacre wouldn't have worked because we needed a respite from all of the carnage so far (still reeling from Noah's death, to be honest), and the resolution of this plotline wasn't so much about how the Alexandrians need to get meaner, but about how Rick & Co. need to hold on

Oh Disqus, you wacky platform! (Having issues logging in to another message board. This is only a test.)

Don't be an ass, it was a typo. I went back and fixed it.

Cowardice is a common trait among Alexandrians. When the going gets tough, the tough use their buddies as zombie bait. Which makes for a nice juxtaposition with Rick's group. What's worse: killing bad people to protect your friends and family or choosing to save your own skin, to hell with anyone else?

Irrelevant how? A man responsible for the death of an entire parish (literally while he kicked back and nipped on the communal wine) does not get to pass judgment on the group. That he believes he can makes him certifiably insane.

Gabriel's hands aren't remotely clean. Not by a long shot.

The NERVE of that hypocrite Gabriel! Has he forgotten how he left an entire community to die while he hid within four walls and a roof? "Burn in hell, Gabriel" scratched into the side of the building, is that not ringing a bell?