Maitresse Hopper


Seriously, dude? Was all that really necessary? Even LCMB acknowledged that he came across rudely and backed off. You, on the other hand, are still here.

"Look, just admit you misjudged how to do it…"

Yasss! And Rick has the Hairdresser Chippie pop balloons by sitting on them to get him in the mood.

1. I think LCMB can speak for themselves without you getting involved.

It's not an unreasonable assumption to say that many people watch the show because they've read the comics.

Not our fault. I've never had an issue before, and if you give that much of a shit about comic spoilers, then maybe you should get AV Club to do two reviews the way they do for GoT. Or post a damn disclaimer about not posting comic spoilers.

Why do I get the feeling that they're setting Daryl up to shmie by shmludgeoning the way Shmlenn shmies in the comics? (*)

Ohhhhhhh. Maybe.


Good point. Plus, she's got Carol cooking for old people. How much Intel do you think they'd be able to provide? Slim to nil maybe?

He had hidden a gun inside that blender and it is no longer there. My money's on Enid taking it.

Dayum! Carol's straight up lying to Deanna during the interview is some stone cold sociopathic shit. Then again, I know where Carol's coming from. She's an abuse survivor, and I guess you have to learn to be a good liar if you want people to stop asking you why you're so bruised and hurt all the time. She's regressing

"Let me say a prayer right into your mouth."

I'm a JASNA member. The next time we have our Regency themed ball, I will choreograph it, film it, and put it up.

The consensus seems to be that Louise has read the books, but has not watched the show.

Actually, there are a couple of long dance sequences in the Beeb's adaptation of P&P, including one with dialogue where Lizzie's trying to break an awkward silence between herself and Darcy.

B-!?! Whut?!? This episode was GOLD!

I was thinking the same thing.

I totally dug the Aaron/Eric kiss. There are so few instances on the show where couples get to enjoy intimate, romantic moments together. Rick and Lori showering together at the CDC. Maggie and Glenn "feathering the nest" at the prison. Tyrese singing to his girlfriend. I love those moments.