Maitresse Hopper

Ah good ol' Natasha Leggero. I dunno why, but she's always reminded me of Andrew Dice Clay, but with boobs.

Captain America: Winter Soldier stated Natasha's year of birth as 1984.

Oooh, what about subletting Mort's basement? Bob can get a whole hydroponic slash artificial sunlamp thing going.

He will be the Anastasia to Louise's Christian Grey. (Yep, I went there.)

Punny burger name consisting of a Flannery O'Connor reference and the name of Spain's answer to Meunster cheese? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I LOVE THIS SHOW. ^_^

Says Steve Smith.

"How big are the towels you use? Like a kitchen towel? Smaller? I'll fold, stop me when I've got the right size…"

I kinda ship Louise and the Pesto Twins.

And Louise had her Koochiekopie night light with her.

Mundane? What's so mundane about Bob's interests? He's a foodie, and from all accounts, a very gifted natural cook. And now that we know he's passionate about gardening, and mostly because it means produce for the restaurant, he's a locavore.

Is it just me or did the off screen Mrs. Jarvis sound like a Gabor sister? "Leaf zem dahlink! I'll vash zem!"

Ear-sy Rider and Bob Fires the Kids are my absolute favorite episodes (although the show is so wonderfully consistent that I pretty much love all the episodes… with the exception of Family Fracas), so I practically squealed with glee when I saw Critter and Mudflap. This was an amazing follow up to that episode, and

Anyone else feeling just a teensy bit sad that Louise seems to be completely aware of her family's financial problems? Especially since that's the kind of thing parents try very hard to insulate their kids from?

Well, to be fair, SHIELD was kind of constrained by the whole Winter Soldier shake up.

*rubs eyes*
*blinks again*

Jojo, as in Bartholomew Jojo Simpson.

Let's not forget the Fischoeders. Calvin tried to fleece Louise when she and the kids turned the restaurant into a casino. Felix almost killed the kids when he goofed in the Thanksgiving episode with the birds.

Maybe Gene's full name is something completely boring: Eugene Robert Belcher. Or maybe it's something more conventional for TV children: Eugene JoJo/Gilligan Belcher.

Tammy, hands down.

Oh come ON! This episode deserves an A just for the following: