

Given how violently Krakatau explodes, it never hurts to check to make sure it’s still in the same place.

How about some species of shrike?  They’re small, cute, and they impale their prey on thorns and spikes for easy eating later.

Now this is shitposting.

Correction: I called originally Paul Rudd’s character “Stephen Lang” when in fact the dude is called “ Scott Lang.” Sorry guys!

Excuse me, but I find that if you’ll review the tapes, you’ll see that the Jaguars embarrassed themselves.

Good morning, America, how are you?

I’m a fan of the version of Hell where the worst thing in it is you.

If I were in the market for a villain to imitate Daredevil's fighting style, I wouldn't be looking to score a bullseye, I'd try to hire a master of tasks.


Welcome to Costco.  I love you.

No Jagsfan.gif?  You are all frauds.


This being Bojack, I have a suspicion that Todd is literally going to grasp and lift his own feces.

I was actually able to recognize that it was specifically Starscream and not some other random decepticon because the color and shape of the head was right, so that’s a step up from the Bayformers, at least.

Boo this man.

The true path to Royalty is to cut the world into the shape you desire. Kill the gods and topple their thrones. REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE, BABY

That’s a uterus!