
Why does that poor Battlemaster not have any guns on it?

Considering the circumstances surrounding the host nation, should the World Cup be receiving any coverage?

But Port of Call is closer and better.

I promise you that I most definitely did not.

Way to bury the lede on the Magnum P.I. cameo.

Your solution wasn’t “Abolish the TSA”. Why? They serve no purpose other than security theater, and I don’t care to pay for entertainment that doesn’t entertain.

That key is a greater organizational nightmare than any of King’s works.

New York is great, if you’re stupid rich. Otherwise, yeah, it’s pretty terrible.

You completely missed the holochess board, which features a tom cruise War of the Worlds tripod, clover, Otachi, the Forbidden planet robot, and two others I simply cannot identify.

Chemists react, physicists observe.

Well, it’s not like he signed a contract.

Well, it’s not like he signed a contract.

All that corruption and slavery, though, is good for the emotion of soccer.

You forgot the Tesla model S, which is named after the ‘s is for sucks’ dragon.

It’s such a small movie. It’s about the end of civilization due to energy crisis. It’s about the supposed best and brightest trying to save the day with super science. It’s got giant monsters you don’t get to see rampaging on the ground, but nobody is talking about that.

It sucks

I, uh, specifically referenced a scene from the end of the second season.

I finally saw Ash vs. Evil Dead when it came out on Netflix and holy cow, it is so good.

So.. it’s anime Robot Chicken?