
Among experienced and sadistic DMs, there’s a language to low level encounters. Goblins say “here’s some minor experience and cash to grind at minimal risk”. Vermin say “here’s some minor experience and no cash to grind, with the risk of poison and disease saves”. Kobolds say “I want you dead in the most humiliating


Be thankful that you haven’t fallen down the Skyrim modding rabbit hole.

What they mean is that they’ll be shifting the balance from your bank account to theirs.

I can say with some authority that no Saints fan lays claim to Ditka. Ditka was a thing that happened to the Saints, not a thing that happened for the Saints.

“Let me guess: someone stole your sweet roll.”

For the past 3 years the Saints got to see this from every quarterback their sorry-as-hell defense was playing against.

I get the feeling that Drew doesn’t like New Orleans’ local color.

Thank you for this take. It will keep me and my family warm throughout this long, harsh winter.

You are 100% responsible for each and every round you send down range.

The best computer is the Compe’, obviously.

What is it about Los Angeles that contracts someone’s horizons?

Earlier we had that full frontal scene with the cow-lizard, it’s only fair that those interested get a little beefcake.

It would be more delightful for the the first number to get much, much larger, and the second to not increase at all.

So what I wonder is are they presented as slaves of Nagash, or the much cooler 6th edition Great Kings of Men who just happen to be undead?

A shame we didn’t get the Archie/Punisher crossover we deserve.

Sadly, no.

I have this strange attraction that I cannot explain. He’s positively magnetic!

It’s a treat when someone’s short bio lets me know they’re garbage. Things like Nazi code phrases, conspiracy theorism, or claiming that Cyclops was right, all get the job done.

I know a guy that runs around in a rooster mask. He’s not a furry, he just likes hurting other people.