Now it's Teddy Bridgewine.
This is the world the Superbowl deserves.
“Psycho Crusher, defense number 54. 15 yard penalty, first down.”.
You know how you feel about people wearing non-spooky costumes on Halloween? That’s how I feel about any adult wearing any costume on Halloween. We’re both stick-in-the-mud assholes. Learning to accept that is the first step to getting better.
1967-1986, 1988-2000, 2001-2005
Any cryptocurrency list without Dogecoin is incomplete
We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites today.
The William Tecumseh Sherman “Don’t Make Me Come Down There Again” Memorial Highway.
He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.
This band played at the Roseland Ballroom
About three thousand people were at the rock show
The jam was excellent
Right? You’d think a creature literally covered in alligator skin would have better taste in shoes.
But if possible Cstrife16, go get some awesome cellphone video. Shocked commentary welcome, vertical video no so much.
/reads title
I would say more like “Fuck Everyone who voted” but who am I kidding.. It was like choosing which poison to take. The ballot read, and I quote: “You want the red restriction of freedoms or the blue restriction of freedoms? Either way, you will be fucked in the ass. XOXO Republicans & Democrats”
There was a time when something like a third of Cubs tickets were sold to people who lived more than 50 miles from the ballpark. Access through WGN (before ESPN) and mystique made a lot of Cubs fans.
Not to be confused with the Saints’ defense where two safeties give up on every play.
Decades of many people wanting the federal government to do something, whatever that something is, leads me to believe that we give lip service to libertarianism...but we really aren’t libertarians.