
Actually, you got Branson’s pretty well to scale, but screwed up the second one.
You drew the conventional definition about 1/8.5 the diameter of earth: 1500 km. That’s more than 3.5x the actual altitude of the ISS.
Here’s what it should have looked like:

“Check out the new character posters below.”


Now it's Teddy Bridgewine.


This is the world the Superbowl deserves.

“Psycho Crusher, defense number 54. 15 yard penalty, first down.”.

You know how you feel about people wearing non-spooky costumes on Halloween? That’s how I feel about any adult wearing any costume on Halloween. We’re both stick-in-the-mud assholes. Learning to accept that is the first step to getting better.

1967-1986, 1988-2000, 2001-2005

All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

The TSA may be useless against actual terrorists, but at least they keep us safe from replica movie props, lol

The Goatse movie was alright except for the gaping hole in the plot.

Any cryptocurrency list without Dogecoin is incomplete

The William Tecumseh Sherman “Don’t Make Me Come Down There Again” Memorial Highway.

He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.