Thank you for this take. It will keep me and my family warm throughout this long, harsh winter.
Thank you for this take. It will keep me and my family warm throughout this long, harsh winter.
You are 100% responsible for each and every round you send down range.
The best computer is the Compe’, obviously.
What is it about Los Angeles that contracts someone’s horizons?
It would be more delightful for the the first number to get much, much larger, and the second to not increase at all.
So what I wonder is are they presented as slaves of Nagash, or the much cooler 6th edition Great Kings of Men who just happen to be undead?
Sadly, no.
I know a guy that runs around in a rooster mask. He’s not a furry, he just likes hurting other people.
What if it’s your racist uncle that’s the one who identified it correctly?
Old man has old man opinions. Film at 11.
Sherman lives!
Not. A. Fucking. Cat.
While we’re at it, let’s do away with celebrations and displays of emotion. Just go up there, win your game, and thank your corporate sponsors.
I don’t understand the headline “alleged German automaker cartel”.
If you’re wondering what Nintendo provides the tournament, it’s this:
Bist du neidisch, Herr Regular?
Bar tables are nice in theory, but in my experience, service at them is worse than either at the bar or at a regular table. It’s purgatory, and you’re still subject to being hemmed in by rowdy drunkards at the drop of a hat.
First of all, are you OK?
You are now an Old.
“I DEMAND A RETRACTION” is what Stilt-man says after he discovers he can’t get back down.