
“I have always found Stress to be the most auspicious attribute.”

This “life hack” is useless to me. I need help starting work when I’m on the clock.

Yeah, but what if your resume said “Developed Towering Pillar of Hats”?! I mean, look at how majestic that is!

But he was.

This is missing the most time honored benchmark of them all. How does it do on id software’s latest quake/doom game?

Fuses. There’s just not much difference between a cheap fuse and an expensive one.

At least Boromir died heroically.

They look like Buffy villains.

Here’s a question: would you rather Rip, or Tear?

At this point, I’d believe it if someone told me the real purpose of the TSA is to get people to stop flying.

I, too, can’t wait for our inevitable future consisting of Car DLC, DCMA takedowns of vehicle tunes, and anyone with the right script being able to diable or hijack our vehicles remotely.

I can’t help but notice Mighty’s number 9 in that image you chose to use.

“Rosebud” is the name of his sled.

Pretty sure that I do not.

The time skip happens in the comics after the war with Negan.

That is a render. It does not have USB ports, ethernet connectors, or HDMI ports. It has pixels, textures, shaders, polygons, and a whole heaping helping of vapor.

Remember, we will be watching.

All functional fighting game AI cheats, it’s only the very best ones that don’t feel like they’re cheating you.