
Everytime someone talks about this star, Michael Keaton gets a royalty check.

First, 10 dollars of your money. Then, hours of your free time. Later, the last shreds of your ragged sanity. Finally, your very soul.

Have you allowed your permit to hold an opinion to expire? I ask because that is an incredibly bad take you have there, sir.

The existence of Bullet Bill implies that guns have been a part of the Mario canon since SMB.

Ревнивый, Стеф Шредер?

And I want Richard Hammond to know that whatever hair coloring he’s using isn’t working for him.

Try to have at least one collectible be as cool as this:

Have you heard about Pluto? That’s messed up!

It’s been a thing since the mid 60s.

If they called the beast Zuul, why did you show a picture of Vinz Clortho?

I wonder what Senator Vreenak would have to say about this?

Roland has the horn of Eld in this movie. If you’ve read the books, you know exactly what this means.

Giant robots are so awesome it hurts.

I initially read the headline as “Dude says he picked kpoop over esports” and still agreed with the decision.

To be fair, Napoleon’s allies weren’t exactly sure how that was supposed to work, either.

Well, it’s more a legend than a historical fact, but as it goes, the plan was for Napoleon to live in New Orleans after his exile ended.


At least this spill was self-cleaning!

Barrett never asked for this.

I’ve got a hankering for a Frankering.