
Here’s a scene from the first phantasm:

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Cougars are larger (and closely related to cheetahs) and they also purr but do not roar.

Jared Kushner and the moon lander have never been photographed together. Really makes u think.

If they say that they aren’t going to, does that mean that they’ve already done so?

Things have improved greatly since east Germany was communist. Then, the children reported on the parents. Now, in the spirit of progress, the parents report on the children.

They are all terrible, and all emojis in this style are garbage.

It takes a lot of guts to participate in that sport.

How about the South China sea? That seems like a place where a super carrier fleet could be a decisive deterrent for allowing a territorial squabble devolve into limited or even total war.

And will you be one of the antifa standing on the pile of cars holding your ground against fascism?

I have managed to ignore every other response, but you, sir, have managed to trigger me with ‘clips’. Bravo, and well done.

This expansion just got approved by

Where did they get those guns from?

Well, I think if there’s a demon invasion on Mars we’ll be well prepared.

The Batman/Fudd connection is obvious, if you take a moment to think about it.

Hi folks, me again. Just stopping by to remind you to ask your local incumbent politician to disband the TSA. Thanks, and have a great day!

So these are, what, Enron style profits? Sell off all your assets and infrastructure that incurs costs, and then declare record profits from collecting your remaining accounts receivable?

I would argue that Dr. Doom is a villain who defines not only the Fantastic Four, but also the entire Marvel Universe.

While some people think that Quake has survived because of mods, I know the awful truth: That is not dead which can eternal lie...

That looks like a good way to get your dogs shot and your house burned down.