
if that furniture is made in an east Asia sweatshop, sure.

That’s kind of how capitalism craftsmanship works, you pay more than the base cost because it saves you the time and effort and they can likely do it better than you

The Aliens TC also gave us the word “Foxxed”. I expect history to repeat itself.

If those are passwords, they’re of a higher quality than what you’d expect for someone that mistakenly broadcasts their access codes.

Platforms: PS4

Yeah, well there are no major leaguers who have as many baseball contracts as me.

It’s not a particularly recent game, but I think that the best game to test the fidelity of a set of surround sound headphones would still have to be Alien: Isolation. I don’t think that the attention to detail has yet been surpassed, and there’s a lot of nuance and information given by the sound cues to test the

Do you think you can move the camera a little bit higher and slightly to the left? I can’t quite complete the environmental puzzle there.

Lesson: Capcom is Garbage. See also: Street Fighter V

Very few of these people deserve to make it into the Hall of Fame because outside the world of baseball, how well known are most of them?

At first I laughed, but then I thought to myself, “wait a minute, isn’t that an American alligator?” Now that image only troubles me.

With a nickname like “Tom Terrific” I’m pretty sure Brady is more of a DC than a Marvel.

Two things:

I’ve heard it as ‘lol ville’

So wait, your first thought on seeing a badass mech rip up a car is “think of the children”?!

Nothing says “I’m going to wreck your shit” like a proctologist listening to the Doom soundtrack.

Shorthand for “I don’t care enough to even try to do it right.”

One thing I really, really liked about the data storage tower is that they are SECURE. No punk ewok on Endor is going to magically dance their fingers over a keyboard and download the most critical state secrets of the Empire. Someone has to a) know exactly where the data is located b) physically enter the storage

No it can’t, that’s insane. It would be like if someone sabotaged a vehicle, left a calling card that they did it, then someone died because of it, and finally, after the fact, you want to hold the car manufacturer accountable.

I guess someone in Russia enjoys hurting other people.