
I’m pretty sure that this is literally the plot of severa G.I. Joe episodes from the 80s.


All those kids who were raped for over 30 years just got unraped thanks to that Penn State win! Go Lions~!

It’s safer than Gasoline, and less energy dense than Diesel. It burns easily, but it wouldn’t be the most dangerous fuel on the road.

So it fixes the lack of availability, the 30 games only, AND the short cord? AWESOME

So is it worth it?

I kind of want to see NIN’s “only” shown on this.

Someone should tell Squeenix the little known fact from FF6 that Cyan was actually the best character from that game and they should have more protagonists like him.

Jesus Christ!

You’re sending mixed messages there. First you say don’t do it, then you give the perfect reason why we should do it. Make up your mind!

A point of order: Galactus was never evil.

Seriously, Die A Little More Inside This Weekend by Tom McParland

Honestly, War of the Worlds was a pretty good example of the technology and techniques available at the time. They may not have been great by modern standards, but they weren’t half-assed.

Humans are the dumbest smart animals, dogs are the smartest dumb animals. It’s totally different.

I’m wondering why the article didn’t stop there. Paid by the word, maybe?

The best case scenario is that CNN finds some journalistic integrity AND the AT&T/Time Warner merger gets denied.

If one ‘conks’ out, does it turn off or stay on? If its failure state is zero protection, then more access points do not make your system more secure.

Rip and tear ALL THE THINGS!