
believe it or not, that... thing.. you just did is still less irritating.

When I’m not plowing my mustang into crowds of bystanders, I’m shifting the gears in it manually.

Okay, yeah, there’s the mandatory Minor League snarl, but at least two of those babies seem to be having a Real Good Time.

Counterpoint: NFL conventional wisdom is conservative to the point of being self-defeating.

If it’s not happening to you, then it isn’t real! Also, I can’t afford to buy STD meds until I somehow hit my deductible, because I have no prescription coverage until I reach that point. Nevermind that I can’t afford to spend until I hit the deductible. I have health insurance that I’m required to pay for by law that

Plenty, but the current system is worse than what I had before, so don’t exactly expect a ringing endorsement of it, you know?

I guess every single insurance policy available to me on both the exchange and through my employer are in on it, then. It certainly couldn’t possibly be obamacare’s fault!

That’s odd. Obamacare took away my copay, increased my rates, and jacked my deductible into the sky.

Thank you, San Diego, for voting AGAINST bread and circuses.

Nice take. I’ll doubt I’ll remember it in 40 years when I’m 80.

I’m going to vote, but I agree with him completely. This is the worst slate of candidates I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Is that a Leonard Nimoy mask painted white? Nice.

Now he really is a Cespedes for the rest of us.

In that case, I’m curious as to how bad the ripoff is if you were to take, oh, I dunno, a 1st run copy of Final Fantasy Tactics in for a trade. Do you think you could parley a whole skylanders figure out of it?


A word of warning about AT&T’s channel offerings. They always include the dozen or so shopping channels they get paid to carry in their total # of channels offered figures.

I’m a cubs fan because of WGN, and I don’t live within 800 miles of the stadium, so this checks out. And yes, I’ve been to a Cubs game, and no, they weren’t good at the time.

You’d have to be some kind of Worlock to recognize that one.


Won’t someone call the police? He killed that man.