
It’s always nice to see the Cards give their fans what they deserve!

(ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง Cuban Sandwich Day or RIOT!!! (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง

I am FUCKING FURIOUS that today isn’t Cuban Sandwich day.

No, it’s based off of a Spanish (or Italian?) porn he saw in a hotel room once that featured a male lead whose only lines were “Bueno”, and “Excellente”.

I always pronounced it “super nintendo”

Mouse pad is best control pad.

I hear that stuff gets into everything.

I feel compelled to ask how you define ‘murder’.

Considering the set of known exoplanets, how representative do you believe they are of all actual exoplanets?

Now, I do believe that cars are made to be driven, even (especially) if it’s the Silver Ghost, but if you have a museum quality ‘48 Tucker and you keep it outside, you don’t deserve to have it.

I think the point of the lube is to make him a difficult catch.

This is a really bad post.

If parmesan cheese were a plant product, then the presence of cellulose would be normal. Parmesan cheese isn’t a plant product, it’s a milk product that doesn’t use plant products. If there is cellulose in your parmesan, then it’s an adulterated product. Just because an ingredient is natural doesn’t mean it belongs

“Man, this poop just does not want to come out.”

You are either an apologist or an agent of a corrupt authority.

The BFG was the worst movie because it wasn’t set on Mars and didn’t entail hordes of demons getting turned into ground chuck.

also, that platform on the floor that they use to slide components into the underside of that vertical weld tool? That’s basically a little hover craft.

What this doesn’t reveal is how much of a bitch it is to lug boxes of cable to the top of that tool stand.

Vecna lives.

This is the first Olympics to do so. There’s some evidence that headgear might not help prevent concussions at all, and could possibly exacerbate them. There are articles out there if you care enough to google “boxing headgear concussions”. I’m not in the business of giving free links to commercial websites.