
Where in the US do you live that 16 dollars an hour is ‘good money’?

is there an operation where you can make the paper calculator fuck a camel for no reason appropriate to the narrative?

at #23, are we talking a French Quarter hand grenade that will get you drunk in 3 sips, or the regular kind that makes your head explode instead of making it feel like your head is exploding?


For my own part, I love watching how sausage is made.

We’re all just a couple of post-it notes away from being in really, really big trouble.

Are you in pain? Are any body parts falling off? Are you reeling from a shocking betrayal?

I’ve got a mason jar full of bourbon and cherries labelled “booz cerise” that I started last month that will get broken open this winter. I didn’t add sugar because the cherries weren’t a particularly tart variety, and bourbon is already kind of sweet.

This looks way more like Quake than the early Doom 4 trailers looked like Doom. Hopefully Bethesda’s PR people learned their lesson.

I dunno. The plain cardboard box is polling very well against dirt, strange dog, the bug found under a rock, and dad’s car keys.

Do not watch the Olympics. Do not support the Olympics.

Maybe it’s not so much that my stuff isn’t more important than my life, than it is my stuff is so much more important than your life?

horses are not people

Well, you know how all of NYC isn’t Manhattan, but also, NYC also isn’t not not Manhattan? The same thing for Tokyo. Sure, plenty of it isn’t signage hell, but it’s there, and it’s very real.

What, exactly, led you to believe that I am crapping on what he’s doing?

Well no, he’s gone from stone age to a few iron BBs. Making metal tools requires a few more things he hasn’t made yet.

I’m drunk as hell and now I want donuts.

With that bellows, and the charcoal from a previous episode, he’s ready to start smelting metal tools.

Eh, Clinton’s bleeding days are far behind her, and I hope Trump never leads.

Alien Isolation was better, even if it did overstay its welcome a bit.