
If a problem comes along from a ways away, this guy can still Whip It.

That’s why all astronauts should be protected.

I read that list and it makes me sad. Sad that the Japanese don’t seem to know the joys of Ripping and Tearing.

I believe that neither professional Association Football, as regulated by FIFA, nor Basketball as regulated by the NBA, are legitimate, honest contests.

No one wanted to live there because of the extremely low PH from all those Hasidics. However, now that they’ve mixed in a bunch of girls from Midwestern sororities, the PH has more or less balanced out.

Classic Doom and all of the .wads. All of them. There, I have game play to last me the first 10 years of isolation.

That’s more thoughtfulness and nuance from a person that some people might dismiss as a product of a football mill than you’re likely to see from 10 years of major journalism.

Well yes and no. Patent Cooperation treaties are a thing, and the US has a lot of them covering almost the entire globe. The fact that this technology is covered by a valid US patent is a very significant issue, and not just in the United States.

I will hold you personally accountable for resurrecting the memory of this.

A transformer that doesn’t transform? Ho-hum. GI Joe? Whatever.

If her being dead counts as a spoiler, then you might want to rethink your policy of referring to shadow as a protagonist, as that is some incredibly basic information.

My father took me to go see it during its first run in theatres. For weeks afterwords he could make me cry just by gnashing his teeth in a very specific way.

For me, the most traumatized I have been by a movie scene is in Alien, in the escape pod. Not the jump scare when the alien reaches out for Ripley, no, it’s the part where she’s terrified in the spacesuit locker putting on the suit, while the alien is sitting in its ambush spot, slowly extending and retracting its

Now playing

I thought this was the theme song of the pikachu army.

Yeah well, if it doesn’t involve blood, it isn’t a sport. Let’s take the definition of sport back to the middle ages.

If the steam key is for bad rats, I’ll happily claim to be a fraudster!

The only thing worse than a road that is under constant construction is one that isn’t.

On a side note, are cameras on space probes essentially the same cameras that we use on terra firma? Or are they infra-red/ultra-violet or something other?

While the gatling gun was first deployed by the US army (making such a thing an impossibility for the confederacy at any point in the civil war) it wasn’t first deployed until the battle of Petersberg that you mentioned, and the Army didn’t really accept them as a weapon system until after the conclusion of the war.

From the tombstone of H. P. Lovecaterpillar: “I ATE PROVIDENCE”