
No, I would never buy a used pontiac, no matter what its sexual orientation was.

I’m at a loss for words.

You ask what could go wrong, I ask “When does the invasion from the depths of Hell begin?”

If your cable ties will be exposed to UV light, like the sun, you should really, really use black outdoor ties, as they will degrade much more slowly than other types.

Good stuff. Like I said, I’m not in production this time around.

Let me tell you about government contracts...

Not entirely true. Most of the tooling to make the new tank sections had to be made from scratch. But we got to reuse the buildings!*

Is that knife flat on the sinister side? Is that a feature common to Japanese chef knives?

Pictured: Building 110, Vertical Assembly Building (1) (yes, there’s another VAB on site at Michoud Assembly Facility), Front Left Cell A where, I think, the LH2 (liquid Hydrogen) tank will be mated to the Intertank, which is the component that interconnects the LH2 tank with the LO2 tank. Back Left, former location

You know, if you don’t buy ubisoft games, you don’t have to download and install the Uplay drm. Now that’s what I call a life hack!

Maybe it’s a robot in the Czech sense of the word, as in the person operating the suit is performing unpaid labor, as in the manner of a serf!

Wait, so the name of the attack has nothing to do with the Hawaiian king?


If I can’t care about everything, then it’s only fair that I care about nothing.

Great Britain is a nation of 60 million. The United States had 300 million at the last census, and sold roughly 55,000 Mustangs last year. That’s the equivalent of 9,000 mustangs sold if it had the population of the US. That does seem low, but recall that car ownership in GB is far more expensive, there are fewer

I am coming to believe, against all logic, that the institutional aura of that place is just so polluted that it ruins players and not the other way around.

Funny way of spelling Pup Boy.

My rule of thumb is that if the repair is equal to or greater than the residual value of the vehicle, it’s time to replace, unless, for some reason, you are committed to maintaining the vehicle for sentimental reasons. Even then, you’re probably better off having something more reliable as a daily driver.

Don’t be sure about that. Remember when the Icelandic economy was based almost solely on banking and came to an immediate and abrupt halt a few years back?

For some, it’s total cake to get through Greenlight, even with a game that isn’t super hot.