
Depends on what you consider a hurricane zone. Only areas that could conceivably experience storm surge? Any area that can experience hurricane force winds? In either event, the answer is probably “more than you might think”.

This thing is like a Faberge egg for me. I would never pony up the cash to own it, even if such a purchase was trivial for me, but I can understand the price and even appreciate it for what it is.

Is this an example of Russian military cyberspace corps posting?

But.. pizza wasn’t a big deal until the Americans got their grubby little paws on it and made it A Thing.

There’s a decent chance that they’re New Orleans’ finest high school drop outs.

And now, over the next nine months, he’ll have to get used to the nearly overwhelming crushing sensation, feelings of helplessness, and impending doom all astronauts have to endure upon their return to Earth. Also, he’ll have to get over the long-term effects of weightlessness in space

More like Steve Baller, amirite?

I knew it. I’m surrounded by assholes.

Just don’t expect her to suit up and join team Iron Man.

This would probably be done better by Red Hook (of Darkest Dungeon fame), as it looks like it’s cribbing from Red Hook’s play book.

Did this device cloak just one specific Klingon, or did it cloak Klingons in general?

Saved the planet huh? Well, okay then.

It is exactly right that competitive TF2 doesn’t resemble everyone else’s TF2. They’re basically not even the same game, and if you’re used to the unmanaged chaos of regular TF2, competitive TF2 just doesn’t seem like much fun.

Wait a second, I’ve seen the exact same thing happen on deadspin.

The only way you couldn’t realize that Avatar had a ham-fisted love story forced into it was if, justifiably, you had fallen asleep within the first 15 minutes.

Rights come with responsibilities. If you’re going to exercise your right to bear arms, you have the responsibility to learn how to safely do so.

That man’s pointing game is so strong, he should be a series of statues in North Korea.

I have good and bad news for you. The good news is that I would drink your sazerac. The bad news is that you would then not have a sazerac to drink.

Ask me about my Wumpus hunt.

You’re not going to out-DOS cred me, buster. I played Zork when it was a new thing. XCOM 2 packs a lot of exposition in during the tutorial missions. You passed up a good bit of the narrative.