
because the first 5 minutes of the game makes it very clear that the Advent troopers are gene-modified humans. Unless you skip the tutorial it’s impossible to miss that sequence.

have you even played the game?

The councilmember can talk in comic sans once he peels his skin off and starts rattling off bad skelepuns. Until then...

One would think that the Councilmember would speak in a font with a little more gravitas than Comic fucking Sans.

I guess ID4*2 answers the question of “what would it look like if you picked up Dubai and threw it at London?”

The Saturn V tooling and production lines have been replaced by the Space Shuttle External tank tooling and production lines which have in turn been replaced by SLS tooling and production lines.

Now, this is a story all about how

It’s also a heck of a lot more than nothing.

It’s not finished, but it’s certainly polished and playable.

Remember Black Mesa: Source? We eventually got a game out of that.

Just don’t fly in a airplane from Somalia. Or ever go anywhere near Somalia.

All’s well that Manziel.

Yesterday, ESPN reported that the Cavs held a players-only meeting immediately after Blatt was fired, which was described as an “airing of grievances.”

Good thing this isn’t a court of law!

“I understand nothing of it”, says seven-time world champion Marianne Vos at Sporza. “I never thought it would happen around me and I have never seen it. It just seems to me not an issue.”

feeling of food against your teeth, in English, is called “tooth”. No, really.

I am sorry about that owl representing your wisdom, because owls are dumb as stumps.

The problem was because Nintendo’s servers were expecting responses from LinkledIn

So the twist behind X-Files Unresolved Sexual Tension is that they were resolving it ALL THE TIME?

That’s four different DLC options that will run you roughly 79.96 on Steam.