
Maybe he was driving through a residential area?

Indeed, but the article talks about making a ‘petrol delivery to a garage in Fresno’. That’s what I was referring to.

It’s okay to continue calling it a motorized rollingham, though.

Also, it’s gasoline. Petrol is short for petroleum, which is a generic term for all hydrocarbon products extracted from underground. If you’re going to be a murrican truck driver, you gotta learn to talk murrican good.

Is that the Rouse’s on Veterans?

I find from my brief forays into hard root beer that the stuff represents a waste of perfectly good root beer.

That sure is a, uh, mighty inauspicious place to put that logo.

What’s interesting about the capsule construction operation at the Michoud Assembly Facility is that it’s fairly small. That photo encompasses almost the entirety of Lockheed Martin’s activities there. The factory itself is many, many times larger.

War isn’t about bravery. It’s about victory.

never mind me.

I’d sooner prepare for the possibility of you learning how little risk was entailed and how hard rocket science is than worry about the possibility of the rocket deviating a few miles off course and hitting open ocean.

I thought we were at war with the individual? At least, that’s what I’ve been told, I would hate to think I came up with that idea by myself.

Damn Japan, you creepy!

What, is he leaving planet Earth for a closer orbit to the Sun?

Quit acting like the US domestic market is completely disconnected from global oil supply. Even though little to no oil from the Middle East makes it over there, global supply impacts global prices. Global prices impact local production.

Then how do you account for the massive layoffs in the drilling and fracking fields, along with the shutdown of the shale oil sites in the great plains, and offshore drilling sites in the Gulf of Mexico? Times are pretty bad in the domestic oil industry, and it’s because of cheap Saudi oil. They’re waging war against

But that’s not true. Oil and gas are cheaper because of the Saudis flooding the market. The current depressed prices have stymied the production and research of alternate fuels, because currently they are unprofitable.

“A Roman Arch”

Oh no! D-man is going to die!

Woah now, I’m not sure there’s a crime severe enough to demand that particular punishment.