
Rob Ryan was a good fit for the city of New Orleans, and during that brief period during his first season when the defense was working, things were great. Those next two years, though, were really, really bad, and only got worse as time went on. I hope he does well, and it’s a shame it didn’t work out here, because

And the ancient Egyptians called them miw. A lot of humans for a very long period of time have agreed that the sound a cat makes is definitely an ‘m’ word.

Yeah, that sweeping crescent of light seems to match I35.

New Orleans on the right, Houston on the left?

Nice, they even have the Piggly Wiggly national championships on there.

It sounds like someone wants a shitty “but it refused” thread.

Why am I reminded of the flash game Misadventure?

the quality of the stitchwork on this outfit leaves me dazed, reeling, about to break

Speaking of science fiction, those sideburns are downright improbable!

This is truly the greatest concept art of 2015.

Are we going to have this discussion again in 20-30 years when Trent Reznor dies?


I would buy them all.

Not only that, but given the kind of guy he was, he’d probably approve.

But they haven’t played any home games in New York since 1975!

Before you hold up the Bechdel test as a gold standard for casting and writing egalitarianism, remember that Debbie Does Dallas passes the Bechdel test.

I would describe Tim Curry’s performance in Legend as thus:

I mean, I could see a compelling possibility for a ROM movie if it was done as a straight sci-fi/cosmic horror type of film. However, I just don’t see how ROM could occupy the same sort of space as Transformers or G.I. Joe.

In that I have no posts with exactly 10 stars, this is completely accurate!

Someone has made a SJP horseface joke in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Fifteen.