
zippyzappy mole dens

I don’t see what the big deal is. Tekken has had A Kuma in it for ages.

That’s pretty. I’m really glad that they didn’t mess with the design. I wonder what they’re going to do with the story.

To be fair, it’s a sure thing that giant has HUGE GUTS.

If you don’t find firearms inherently morally outrageous, should you be concerned by this?

I WAS having a good day, but now I’m suddenly chronically depressed and an AA member that has fallen off the wagon. What the hell did you put in that post?

These panels are brilliant. The layout is designed to get you to read the other person’s statement first, then compare the setting and appearance of all four simultaneously, and then finally you see the response and level of hospitality shown to the unseen party. Four different panels that happen sequentially in the

Go ahead and keep your space station; we’ll stay here on Earth without the creeptastic vibe.

Why not? It worked for Woodrow Wilson.

This is what, a VW bus for ants??

That certainly is an... interesting reading of the source material.

You missed “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. While it doesn’t spell out HOW it happened, it does detail just how devastating total ecological collapse would be. Things get so messed up that there aren’t even bacteria to cause things to spoil or rot.

I should be thankful to the Stone Temple Pilots for a few things. For me, it epitomized the catchy but basically empty music of the 90s. Sure, there were better bands out there, but Pearl Jam and Nirvana just didn’t mean anything to me.

Nope, gun-havers are quite familiar with the term “gun control” and when they want to see what the gun control lobby is up to, that’s the term they use to dig up information on it. Sure, they call people gun-grabbers and what not, but gun control is the more or less universal term for the political argument.

After Spacebase DF-9, I’m staying away from all their pre-release stuff.

Perhaps, but thanks to you, I have a greater appreciztion for “smug” and “insufferable”.

Yup, just a new conviction and a new sentence, all without the benefit of due process. I loves me some fiat justice!

I see that South Africa allows double jeopardy. Do they also allow bills of attainder? Do they declare actions illegal ex post facto?

fairy lights??

Why do I want to break my binge watching habit?