
Sadly, this is a thing that actually happened. I did get a PS2 to replace it, though.

My favorite memory of my PS1 is my now late cat, Stacy puking directly into the optics after opening the lid, killing the console.

Then go for the gusto. Something that rolls off the tongue like “Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho”

On most of those accounts I’ll concede your point, but Barrett is a perfectly reasonable first name.

Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t “Barrett, Remington, Kimber, Ruger, Wesson, Browning, Benelli and Beretta” also names given to people?

Some say that Alduin is Akatosh. Some say that M’aiq is a liar. Don’t you believe either of those things.

I don’t think you understand what greed is.

Nolan Ryan, Nolan Ryan... wasn’t he the guy that cleaned the White Sox manager’s clock?

A shit sandwich.

When did Acererak get a Joust cabinet??

Insane Hot Take Snuck In Near The End: “The American public needs to learn not to rely on the government to save them when a crisis hits.”

You laugh, but Eamus Catuli!

I hardly heard those tires talk at all.

My favorite thing about Final Fantasy 3 (screw you, that’s what was on the game’s packaging) was that the one guy who had a really, REALLY good reason to mope steadfastly refused to do so. Cyan, you’re my dog, bro.

How can you in all sincerity not say that Alabama fans are the worst?

Looks... sharknadoian.

I think that we should become the kind of nation that writes off one of its major cultural centers because it might cause someone a few moments of inconvenience to keep it.

I’d rather a program read the books for me and tell me how it turns out.

We are natural megafauna.

Yes, it can, and we’ve already seen photos of frost heave formations near the martian poles.