
A basement?!? In New Orleans?!?!? AHHAHAHAHAHAHHA

I hope it’s the opposite. The best twist in the outstanding hard sci-fi film “Moon” wasn’t that Sam was a clone, it was that Gerty was a moral thinking machine willing to sacrifice itself for Sam. By the way, enjoy that spoiler for a six year old movie.

Buttlord GT has this covered:

The Aristocrats?

That’s who you want to be seen identifying with in public? Well, okay.

you have made my life better. Thank you. Forever.

Eh, it’s just borrowing the words for moon, dirt, and sun from other languages. EVERYONE calls them moon, dirt and sun.

Now playing

I’m going to save everyone a lot of time and effort and just post the video to Skinny Puppy’s “Worlock”

What is wrong with your eyes?

Who is “they”? What license are you talking about? It’s just Scott coding and modeling and an imaginary pizzeria that he dreamed up.

Madison was heavily influenced by the Republican “war hawks”

Since the conservation movement was founded by Republicans and is probably the greatest legacy of that party

I think this can be done better.

That cat5 won’t pull itself. Wrong.

This should have been Kotaku’s 2012 GOTY, huh? Neat. What are some games I have from 2012 in my library?

This is what Quake has always needed to capture that Lovecraft vibe it was always going for.

Army tradition, at least, has it that Von Steuben taught the continental army the Prussian way of saluting, and so we stopped doing it the British way.

We don’t really have hemlock here in the Western Hemisphere.