
AT&T delenda est.

I’m more amazed by the complete lack of control the shooter displayed. How the hell did he even manage to wing his target waving that pistol around like that?

Are there circumstances where it will shift gears without my direct input? Are there circumstances where it will either not shift or delay a shift after I perform the action to shift gears? If the answer to either question is yes, then it is not a manual transmission.

I take it that the outrage was because it was labelled as some other form of meat?

I’m going to out myself as a colossal nerd here, but that exactly looks like what would happen if Space Orks looted an Overlord dropship.

What a devilish contraption! A machine that turns cows into orks!

Wait, why is Raphael using Michaelangelo’s katherp a derp a derpity doo FWEEEEEE!

I’m wondering why we don’t have more.

It’s brutally cruel to have a book titled “:Spaceknight” and have it not be ROM.

Faaaake. Real ones aren’t that hard or round.

How DO they work?

We are working closely with our external PC development partner

I’ve got two younger brothers. I’ve never gone that far with them, but we’ve definitely gone a few rounds.

so.. cell phones make good deterrents? Is that the story you’re sticking with?

Despite that, and despite coming off of surgery on an arthritic toe, the Panthers signed the 29-year-old to a two-year contract and are moving him back to left tackle. Where he’ll be responsible for Cam Newton’ know.

Which one?

Also there’s a shadowy, villainous organization that controls global quidditch that will be left up to the Americans to clean up.

Is that a photo of Boll beating the snot out of Lowtax?

It makes me dizzy just thinking about it.

I love population heat maps!