
Rom’s story was entirely self-contained. Most of the cross-overs were a part of some pretty good stories, and SHIELD’s involvement in the second half was very organic and made all the sense in the world. Also, even if you don’t like the X-men, you should be head over heels every time you see a mutant, because that

YES. ROM: Spaceknight was the single most important comic when I was a wee lad. When some people think of what a superhero should be, they think of Superman, or Batman, or Spiderman. I think of Rom. His combination of humilty, self-sacrifice, self-restraint, and his very real understanding of the personal sacrifices

To be fair though, he does look like a rampaging murderbot, and when he banishes a dire wraith, to everyone else it looks like he just disintegrated a fellow human being. It’s one of the very best justifications for hero on hero conflict.

Perhaps we need to raise awareness for Blog control Safety.

That depends, how much does bandwidth cost wherever you’re at?

It looks like Saiga lost another round of the console wars.

This article was nearly as obnoxious as one dictating what kind of cocktails are and are not acceptable to imbibe.

By this point I just assume that any post like this is the product of the Russian army’s internet media apparatus, which is apparently a very real thing.

In my experience, lightning goes where it wants, and does what it wants. You can’t really pin this one on anybody.

Except for the best Dudley, and maybe the best Zangief and Vega players in the world.

Hey now, that low hanging fruit isn’t going to pick itself.

Consistently over-sauced.

Please do not post my pictures on the internet, thank you.

FIFA delenda est.

Heck, I think eversion did it first.

You tried, except for Luigi, of course.

Sports writers are some of the best concern trolls in the business.

I just feel like, I dunno, the ISS is too good to be slumming it with these other losers.

They called themselves the Mexicas.

Bitchin’ headdress, horizontally striped yellow and black facepaint, sacrificial dagger in one hand, still beating human heart in the other.