
No thanks for reminding us about DC.

When you change a character’s race from something to European, it’s called whitewashing. Would this be called Y-washing?

You think you’d like to hear it, but I expect your reaction upon learning the story would be one of disappointment, or perhaps, dare I say it, disenchantment.

Seeing as how often Disney used rotoscoping back then, it’s exactly reusing motion capture data.

The only way I would have been okay with this game is if the opening act has you play the leader of an elite assault team that has to activate a portal that a horde of demons are guarding, only for your team to get picked off one by one until you finally get to the objective and die just as you activate the portal.

the harshest penalty in league history

If something is somehow worse than death, how is it not cruel and unusual?

Not only do I remember stone cold, I remember the HBO comedy special that made a punch line of Brian Bosworth, Stop With the Kicking.

The best possible Monica Rambeau movie would have the title “Nextwave”.

Wait, doesn’t the CBA only apply to interactions between players and teams/the league? If so, then it should have nothing to do with how much the league fined one of its constituent teams, right?

You gotta have blue hair!

You mean MOBAAAs, right?

Also the source of the verb “foxxed”.

Wait is that Milkman Dan from Red Meat?

How much redshifting does this impart to the bent light?

There’s plenty of good news for the gulf south, and yes, before you ask, we do have fire climax forests down here.

For those of you who aren’t sure what execution by anti-aircraft gun would be like, watch the scene in Saving Private Ryan where the GIs storm the German panzer. Although, to be honest, that scene might have been toned down a bit.

Since we can’t set everything right, we must set nothing right!

Cube to the zero power is just cube 1!

Who dat!