
But foie gras tastes really, really, REALLY good!

I may be showing off a bit, but I'm pretty sure I would have guessed that thing was some sort of electron microscope. Yeah, I'd be wrong, but not very wrong.

Hulk looks like he has some pretty huge guts. They're getting me all rip and tear-y.

Eh, Mitsubishi is a zaibatsu. They make everything, not just automobiles.

So you're saying it'll have a malaise-era engine?

Character doesn't score touchdowns.

two party voting isn't for people with adventurous minds or independent thought.

On the other hand, FTL and Darkest Dungeon. It seems that every human endeavor is doomed to have many dismal failures for every gleaming diamond.

I think we just learned who the Hulk's real secret identity is.

More people should have the courage to say exactly what they're thinking.

I have bad news for all of you. It's this comment. This comment right here is what ends civilization. Don't even bother trying to edit or censor it, the damage has already been done.

I thought gawker didn't "do" embargoes.

Pushing out competition is the very last thing that the people who wrote the constitution wanted.

The USPS is constitutionally guaranteed, for one thing, and for the other, parcel and notice delivery is kind of necessary for a civilized nation. Do you want to leave such an essential service up to FedEx and UPS?

There's only one Autobot who has the cachet to go against Devastator, and that one isn't a gestalt. I'm talking about Omega Supreme, of course.

Oh neat! A modern panopticon!

Coyotes gotta eat, too!

If my daily commute is anything to go by, that is indeed exactly what I'm saying.

American drivers are pretty used to crap, so your comment doesn't particularly apply.

You might not want to answer any phone calls or watch any video tapes while shopping here.