
The banana equivalent dose (BED) is the best unit of measurement of all time.

I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "how can I best represent a half-life of 15 seconds to someone who doesn't understand the concept?" And then you gave me this, for which I shall both be thankful and resentful of.

That... really looks a lot like a kharmann ghia, which I'm sure isn't a coincidence. Or is it that a kharmann ghia looks a lot like that?


Bear in mind, there's only one person in that courtroom that the whole thing is a matter of life and death for, so why the hell not?

It's octopodes. Use the Greek plural, not the Latin, if you want to be properly pedantic.

If he's serving guests that know what a vieux carre is and want one, he's probably in/around New Orleans, not Brooklyn. Look it up, it's a classic and classy drink. Also, why not keep s small totem of the sweet, smoky goodness of bourbon in the form of a mini barrel? Any decent home bar needs decoration, and a

Allow me to call BS on that. DC motors absolutely can regeneratively break so long as you can reverse the roles of the the armature and windings. DC electric forklifts have been using regenerative breaking for many decades.

It all started with the Ballad of Shame and Wasted Lives.

I find the BED (banana equivalent dose) to be the best unit of measurement.

As far as hot sauces go, I find Crystal's Louisiana hot sauce essential for dressing up wings.

What's the metal content of those old worlds? Isn't it likely that the older a world is, the rarer the heavier elements would be in its makeup? How recent would a world have to be to have sufficient heavy elements to support technological civilization. Obviously 4.6 billion years is enough, but how much further

An accurately placed shot will leave you with a head like a hole.

Nice article, but isn't the late 17th century considered to be the Enlightenment era rather than the Renaissance?

Therapods in the mushroom kingdom are... confused.

Let me know when these myomers come in triple-strength varieties.

Question: Is the letter 'A' considered a part of the diagram?

Which is nowhere near the size of the population that will.

send em to the moon!

Shouldn't any list of greatest North American monsters include Bigfoot, Ogopogo, and the Chupacabra?