
What is this, Fantasy of the Endless?

Shooters aren't known for their writing, but if Wolfenstein is any indication, they should be. MachineGames' writing is some of the best I've come across in video games, a perfect blend of pulp and seriousness. The characters are deep, if not deeper than any you might find in your favorite RPG, and they're wonderfully

I now understand something. If a war with our own machines ever comes, not only will we not be able to win it, we won't even be able to fight it. It will be lost before we've even understood we were at war in the first place.

I took a quick look on google maps but didn't see anything. Oh well, I tried.

What I'd like to know is this: how can you sit around wasting time posting on the internet while 162 people are missing on the Air Asia flight??

But Cleopatra was a Macedonian. Casting her as anything other than a somewhat olive skinned white person is doing whatever the opposite of whitewashing is.

Looks more like ThreeWave CTF than Quake 1 TF CTF.

The correct name is Vapor Eagle.

Here's a scary thought: Imagine, that as you get older, your brain slows down a little. Not much, just enough that picking up new concepts gets more difficult than you were used to when you were younger. As time goes on, more and more things spring up that you just don't really understand. Eventually, you just

Is it because burnouts?

Imagine, for a moment, that you are the fevered, random imagining of a mindless over-god. A creator who is unaware and unconcerned with its creation. Also suppose that you are simultaneously some sort of primal, fundamental aspect of a whole pantheon of bizarre, seemingly unrelated universal deities. Time and

Countdown to C&D notice in 3... 2... 1...

No love for the Mustang, even though it compares favorably to some of the models mentioned?

If I had to guess, it's not so much a switch as it's a variable flow hydraulic valve masquerading as a power window switch, and the only place in the world this valve is used is in the doors of a 600 Gosser, which means not only are you paying the typical Deutsche Auto tax, but you're also paying for an item that has

pumas need a lot more than 4000 acres. They are wide ranging animals that often do not maintain permanent territories.

Goddamned paparazzi.

The Doctor can be of any race, gender, or color, but the Doctor can positively never not be from the British isles.

It's not your problem, therefore you don't care.

How much poop do fish dump in the ocean?

That's making a huge assumption that the first opening of the ark is a public one. Hitler was certainly vainglorious, but the first unveiling of his superweapons was on the battlefield, not the parade field.