
As awful as it is, part of me really, really loves this map. I am probably a horrible person.

You know what, you're right, but while it would have killed Hitler, it still would have been in German hands at a point before the war hit its fever pitch. The Nazis would still have been very motivated to decipher how to best use it, and at that point very much had an appetite for war. Yay, dead Hitler, boo

If Indiana Jones isn't in the movie, then the US of A doesn't recover the Ark of the Covenant. It's still on that island, and perhaps Nazi Germany gets to have another go at using the ark, only this time the arrogant Belloq isn't rushing ahead and not understanding what exactly is happening when the ark is opened.

I am opposed to the space program because all of those pallets of money that have been loaded onto rockets and flown into space over the entire course of the space program could be used to fund several whole days of entitlements, pork barrel, and military spending!

I dunno, that distinction seems way too subtle to me. Who's going to protect the government from all those horrible, power-grabbing people?

That is where the photons from that laser pulse PROBABLY are at the time that image was taken. Thanks, Shroedinger.


There's no need to wonder. This is exactly what is happening. OPEC went to war with American drilling in the early 80s and won, and they're trying to do it again. The firms that are financing fracking exploration are sweating it, but the actual fracking production companies say that they can stay profitable all the

ooh baby, that is some seriously risque merging.

Dear Alanis, this is ironic.

I no longer purchase games that require memberships or drm validation through Steam. It's too intrusive, too inconvenient, and too unreliable. If I really, really want to get a game that has that, I slap myself until I come to my senses. I just don't need the hassle.

This list doesn't include Kai Allard Liao, so unfortunately, I have to declare it invalid.

That's a damn shame.

That's a damn shame.

Why are all of the mice listed here wireless?

Why are all of the mice listed here wireless?

If I had to pick evils, I'd rather pick one that supports brain injury than one that supports slavery.

So that guy just became a lich? His flesh hasn't started to rot away yet?

The Dragonborn thinks this is cute.

Ohh snap, that's my jam!

Short answer: No. Longer answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

America is what you make of it, and what you should make of it is some rubber doughnuts on the pavement.