
The odor must have been truly frightening.

#0. Astronaut who has been on a solid surface that isn't the Earth.

Why not ask me about Detomaso safety protocols? (that is a Detomaso, right?)

Tender, yes, but flavorful? My drool is on the flank, skirt, and hangar. Especially the hangar. Mmmm, tasty, tasty diaphragm.

What was the name of the intrepid astronaut who made his or her mark on Rosetta?

What if it isn't merely revenge killing? In more orderly areas, the number of individuals engaged in law enforcement greatly outnumber any individual criminal organization. In the US, if there is even a remote possibility of local law enforcement becoming overwhelmed by unlawful activity, the National Guard is

Now, of course the people involved were outraged over the police killings, but consider this: If you take the approach that this was a rational act, not just the what'sapp postings, but also the act of the revenge killings, what are the larger implications?

I think your thesis is flawed. The hunter does not hate the deer that he shoots. In human cultures, at least hunters very often show veneration to the species that they regularly hunt, particularly if they are large, powerful animals. A lion doesn't torture the antelope it kills. It kills as swiftly as it can

Where can one order manatee in Louisiana? I need to do some research.

They are all beautiful.

Is... is that a catoblepas?

"Whilst." Christ, what an asshole.

And not one of those models is right.


A good leader doesn't air out discipline issues in public. A really bad leader does. That's why bad leaders make for such great press. Screw the Patriots, but Belichek is right to not want to talk about this.

All this talk about the stegosaurus' tail and not once is the word thagomizer used? This is a truly shameful display.

yeah, I already identified this one. Good luck with the other ones, guys. I'll let you have the intercooler pipe for free, though.

For real? Driving my aunt's PT Cruiser mad me sad inside. It was the shitboxiest shitbox I have ever driven. None of the agility of a proper econobox, and none of the utility of the truck that it's CAFE classification purported it to be. It was just the worst vehicle in good working order I have ever sat in.

Darn those flyover state peasants. They ruin everything for us enlightened, superior New Yorkers!

You'd still need two way communication, and with a cell phone, that still requires a cell tower. At best the mobile providers would know the last known location of the cell phones, which would probably be around or before the time the plane went dark.