
If it had been successfully ditched a la the "Miracle on the Hudson," survivors would have contacted loved ones. without a doubt.

This is the first I've ever seen Ballmer accused of not being sufficiently animated. Usually the remark is the exact opposite.

In Star Trek's defense, I can easily see a future where anything that is transmitted over any sort of wavelength can be intercepted, decrypted, and faked. Perhaps the only way to keep orders and secrets secure is to hand deliver them with a clear chain of custody?

All I really care is how long until it's ready to be installed in battlemechs?

b..but... some of those costumes aren't terrible?

New Orleans is easy to get around. You just have to know where things used to be, and that the cardinal directions are uptown, downtown, towards the lake, and towards the river.

It's an acceptable racist term for what is perceived as a stereotypical white American adult female.

I guess they didn't want to license Wizard of Wor for the arcade bits.

Perhaps after having a conversation with a sentient plant the Doctor decided that vegetarianism was just as hypocritical as omnivorism. Everything eats, everything poops. Only rocks don't have feelings.


Gawker didn't boycott the NFL, either.

He didn't take himself out of the play. He was following the action of the returner, which meant he was potentially a tackler. Legal block, and it's his responsibility to protect himself from legal blocks if he's going to look to make a play after an interception.

So who wants to take odds that Missy is short for Mistress? As in Master.

We didn't have a millenia long era of siege warfare, nor a hereditary ruling class to occupy such buildings. There aren't castles scattered across North America because there was never a need for castles to be spread across North America.

Tonight, you.

Indirect jobs means things like: Contractors who move in to supply goods and services to the Gigafactory. Daycare centers, shopping malls, and Hellmarts for the workers. Construction jobs created to build houses and rentals and businesses to service the Tesla employees. Public service jobs like fire, police, and

It is very high up here. You are likely to be licked by a goat.

Having tried it, I can confidently state that dignity is highly overrated.

Steiny! Fetch me my paper! Steiny! Fetch me a danish!

if it's going to kill 95 to 99 percent of weed seeds, then all it's going to do is quickly select for weeds that produce small seeds. It's, unfortunately, a temporary solution.