M'aiq the liar

“wahh don’t report this stuff”, as if anyone here, who wasn’t ALSO in a tiny and niche discord, would have ever heard of this kind of thing otherwise

I haven't seen Nintendo go after ROM hacks. This would be a first. 

I think we can all agree that the 8th tomb was the friends we made along the way.

Eh, they still make sense to me. Plus, haven’t you ever heard the saying “kill two birds with one stone”?

Something something two birds with one stone something something

Confused why this is a sequel instead of an expansion. Especially since it doesn’t drastically update the core elements of the gameplay like you’d imagine a sequel would. OW’s firstly been a pvp game with light story. There’s barely any update to pvp save for things we already would get like new characters/maps/gamemod

More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters

Fucking corporate cops, fuck off Bandai Namco and Japan in general.

Yeah that made me laugh, pretty much the worst developed nation on Earth in terms of IP but hey kudos, boys.

Gotta agree with this sentiment. A decade or so ago, this raid wouldn’t have even happened. Hell, the government themselves would’ve been doing the counterfeiting.

They they keep cracking down on knock off everything, then Guardians of Intellectual Properties it is. Remember now, China leadership eats up positive press, and will act on it. If you constantly and overly praise them for doing something specific, they’ll keep doing it.

“pioneers in law enforcement, guardians of intellectual properties.”

I never really got the whole “stand in line to meet X” thing. Movie stars, Band members, Twitch Streamers, etc.

Why spend a little less then two hours wait to get your picture taken with a person who in five minutes won’t remember who you are and whom you might get to say one line too? It just seems the most

I guess I am just an old fart but I don’t get it. Sure she is very attractive but her channel is blah. I have tried to watch her to see the why of it all and each time just came away bored and indifferent. She isn’t particularly entertaining, she isn’t that great a gamer. Maybe I keep choosing her off days?  Beats me

Shut up, Zack! Nintendo will shut it down! Seriously though, looks great. 

He’s about to be cease-and-desisted so hard.

Well how about we be even more honest, these people aren’t singing jack shit, they are lip synching. The whole premise of the show is built so that they can take literally anyone and make people think they are singing. Almost all the costumes are designed so you can’t see their mouths andaall of them are made to

I give zero fucks about this show, but they have a point when it’s literally in the title of the article. 

I’ve successfully avoided this song afaik and now, with this post, can miss it on TMS too!

So...this is top page news? Ninja on the masked singer. Gonna go drink some draino now