M'aiq the liar

Wow you don't even have to have the counter-narrative opinion to be canceled anymore. Just not opening your pie hole to spew white buzzword soup on a black background buries you nowadays.

Ah, I didn’t know not choosing a side, not having an opinion, not bowing to the narrative, or just being plain too concerned with running a company to have some intern schmuck cobble together another white-text-on-black-background-buzzword-soup meant you were racist.

It’s a good thing your dumb ass can’t even control his own life, much less the lives of others.

Ah yes, image shaming and assumptions about one's character. Only the most proper and effective form of debate to be expected of Kinja ninjas. 😒

“this type of criminal lifestyle never results in good things happening to you or those around you”

1) Virtue signal received

Virtue signal received. 

The "low-fantasy" trope is part of the charm. Look at Two Worlds as a reference. 

To be completely fair, it’s not on their shoulders to “support” anyone or maintain any socio-political platform. Period. They make Mario and Halo and Call of Duty.

You win the internet for the today. 😂

This is the most perfect explanation of the situation.

Virtue signal received.

Why it's not a fireable marketing offense to do the two controllers in a single player game thing is beyond me. 

Why it's not a fireable marketing offense to do the two controllers in a single player game thing is beyond me. 

He doesn't wanna get #metoo'd lol 

Damn you can get canceled for literally anything these days, including being incredibly autistic.

Demonetize this article if it's truly in good faith. :) 

Twitch Reveals New Valorant Agent, Reyna

Show of hands for the people who didn't need an article to assume Destiny's loot progression was still busted

Cosplay AS a business may suffer, and to that I say, “good.” Most of them are tryhard attention whores that really need to can it for a while.

That, but now dudes with no other redeeming factors other than they have a 3D printer are becoming somewhat slightly 'in-demand' the more attention whores need their services. Much like any ugly dude that invests $3,000 in camera equipment.