M'aiq the liar

Prorogue? Isn’t that a potato dumpling?

I don't even play these games and articles & behind the scenes vids like this pop my nostalgia-boner. 

Why do they never remaster the horrible pixel backgrounds? Is it cuz they know some modder will do it for free? And everyone will still buy it regardless? Seriously somebody’s got to hold these devs and publishers accountable, but as long as there’s “look at me! me too!” streaming and selfie-holding-the-game culture

Good. Nobody upset about this was gonna spend a dollar on this in the first place.

You weren't gonna buy it anyway, f-word-for-gay-people. 😂

And watch some knucklehead’s just gonna rip a model and 3D print one in one session and get more recognition. I swear 3D printing has taken the artisanship out of many hobbies. 

Dagoth Ur begs to differ. 

Right!? If anything it's paying the devs more for a job well done, at zero extra cost to the consumer. 

6 weeks? Just long enough for me to play Borderlands 3. 😎

Terminx. The hero we need but aren't allowed to have because the west is a doormat. 

Hopefully it won’t be a must, but when I think about it, UNFORTUNATELY it probly won’t be 1080p / 60fps on regular Xbone. Damn trickle technology 

It's for 3 months, not years. There either mistyping or flat out lying. 

It was 3 months bro. Sorry to break it to ya :T

I only feel bad for the developers’ families knowing their relatives made that booty sweat garbage pile Halo 5. Fuckin embarrassing. 

If he worked on Halo 5 then good riddance. 5 was hot fucking garbage in every last aspect.

‘Member when something like this was 30 bucks at K-Mart and on every Christmas endcap everywhere? My how times have changed...

Does America really have such a shit economy that even Vietnamese have free time to do this??

I kinda wanna pan-fry it into a sea-sauce...

Don't All of Twitch's employees work from home? :T  -badum tss!-

Gita: Having a significant other makes life better