But in 4K and at 120 fps?
But in 4K and at 120 fps?
Game baiting is literally the most NPC thing Halo players and ex Halo players seem to do on a daily basis.
Zoomers and attention whoring go hand in hand, unfortunately. :T
Why does there have to be a message between the lines? Read the black and white and don’t bait an e-fight.
Zoomers and attention whoring go hand in hand, unfortunately. :T
So you mean she cannot cite Xseed as past employment on a resume or have Trails of Cold Steel in her portfolio of work?? O: That’s fucked!!
It's called ironic racism. And it's hilarious, even to blacks, if you bothered to talk to literally any.
New RTS doesn’t need fresh ideas. The ages of C&C, Empire Earth and W40K were golden. RTS needs to get back to its roots if anything. But that's just one oldf*g's opinion lol.
Spot the guy everyone avoids at parties.
Two questions:
Moon and Star, sera
Leave anime and never return.
Badassive Aggressive
I pray everyday that people like this find any true joy in life in playing games for the sake of e joy in them.
If it's about "Gollum", it's not about Smeagol. :)
Absolutely disgusting what cosplay has become, have 1-percenters and ‘elite’ untouchable thots selling themselves to sweaty photographer hordes who think they give a damn about them. Just another mirror to society now, unfortunately.
It’s not; it’s just that giant Patreon/Instagram/Ko-fi thots are the only ones making any money off cosplay modeling. The only ones in demand.
Cosplay’s a giant circlejerk now of overexposed Patreon thots and the sweaty photogs who think they actually like them.
Cosplay’s become a giant circlejerk now of overexposed Patreon thots and the sweaty photogs who think they actually like them.
Cosplay’s a giant circlejerk now of overexposed Patreon thots and the sweaty photogs who think they actually like them.