Cosplay's a giant circlejerk now of overexposed Patreon thots and the sweaty photogs who think they actually like them.
Cosplay's a giant circlejerk now of overexposed Patreon thots and the sweaty photogs who think they actually like them.
If you are male and don't know any giant streamers personally to get spoonfed raids, I wouldn't recommend considering it as a financial venture.
Doing anything with or around women in 2019 is potentially career-ending. He’s at least got the business sense to avoid that.
What kind of livelihood costs half a million a month to upkeep? This is about ego and luck at this point.
Are we not allowed to be covetous of others’ (ridiculously outlandish) financial success? Is this some kind of online thought policing? Come off your high horse.
Reminder that “rape” doesn’t have to be sexual, and you should feel bad if you create outrage surrounding a word that generally means “to dominate” outside of irl.
Did nobody still actually answer his question? They make 2 versions to promote trading. About 90% of the new Pokemon are always shared across both cartridges. The other 10% are split as exclusives to each version.
There is truly no one more vain in proportion to their fame than cosplayers with time and money.
Just inject every Save The World mechanic into a Big Team Battle PvP mode and it’ll be better than FNBR could ever dream of.
Nope. It's fairly recent, ish. I played for the first several months STW was pay to play. Before BR came and turned the Fortnite name to shit.
And they're all smarter than the entire collective of Battle Royale mode players.
This needs more upvotes
And nothing of value was lost.
Atelier Ayesha here. The crafting is a terrifyingly long-winded process, and not even Willow or whatever her name was (the witch girl) is enough to keep me glued..
Even for a Halo tattoo, this is a Reach.
Let me guess, “racism”?
Why is thegrapevine / theroot always so Angry?
Like moths to the flame, the haters come. :) NPC.jpeg
Every single FF is a hallway if you cut out all the guesswork of where to go. Get over yourself. npc.jpeg
Nobody told me I was starring in this. Am I the last one to know everything???