Mailbox Cancer

ouch! I admit, not the best soundbite I've ever dropped,and it leaves too much up to viewer interpretation. However, I feel i could quasi-justify least i could clarify what i meant by that further over the phone. Give me a buzz @ 410-581-4259 for a chance at redemption. p.s. I love the diss, I printed it and

It has to be this one, not because of the vehicle itself, but because of the person that rides in it.

I forgot what I was going to say. BRB.........maybe.

OCD kicking in...I see that he had to re-place the SRT badge higher because of the grill light bar but Y U NO SAME LEVEL AS CHALLENGER BADGE

Or to be more accurate, the Cholo that put 28" wheels on it flips it after doing 100+ on the highway.

He wasn't Russia you "hurricane kick" everyone out of the way.

Arizona version of "If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:"

How cool would it have been if it were you and you were driving an armored SUV? I don't know if Land Rover offers armor kits but imagine the same situation with you behind the wheel of an X5 High Security with bulletproof windows, etc. Think about how pissed they'd be trying to break the glass or slice tires while you

No, they will be size restricted to 16oz. =)

You are correct, I misread your post and apologize. Though, I'm not illiterate but all I can say is I had not had my coffee yet.

carbon surrounds? Ohhh I can see that looking good.

I nominate this for #COTD

I'll just leave this here

Put a series of buttons here - Start, P, R, N, D, L running down this arc. Ditch the column shifter. It'll only bankrupt GM again.

Cept it's real now.

Kudos for representing the two wheel community properly. I myself am saddened everytime I see this type of thing, along with the plethora of wheelie, police chase and high speed run videos that abound online. Seems our only publicity is bad publicity.

you open my door with my family inside, you're lucky if the bike is the only thing injured. Step 1. Floor it Step 2. Reverse Step 3. repat until creamy