
I love black twitter 😍

You are completely right, it was dumb of me to forget that.

Don’t forget women. The mysoginist slant of the police forces isn’t to be ignored, either.

What I find particularly chilling is:

If you’re of colour... or poor.

Cops are the most dangerous thugs on the streets.

That picture is just creepy.

I think I know the problem.

I’ve been thinking on it as more and more of this shit comes out and one overwhelming fact becomes apparent: These cosplay exercises always put the white kids in power, basically reinforcing the extant narrative and showing them “slavery is a fun game.”

Well , the thing is , all late night show hosts DO all look alike.

“Taye Doggs”

I highly (haha) recommend trying it at least once. It has helped immensely with my insomnia and actually helps to curb my appetite. I've lost more weight while smoking weed than when not. I think it largely has to do with the fact that it makes you feel less stressed out- And that stops you from eating while stressed.

If you struggle with insomnia, you ought to give weed a try. It always puts me out like a light. I'd imagine it also has fewer crazy side effects than some of the pharmaceuticals (like Ambien).

Just try it. It may very well improve your sleeping. I promise your stomach won't explode.

I assume it's just that stoners drink less alcohol. Most adult stoners I know almost never drink.