
like was said in recents posts and by this specific victim, i will find a way to handle it my damn self. you get in an argument with anyone, get robbed, assaulted, etc, calling the police is now your last recourse. this is a horrible world in which we are now living

r u serious? she’s a pivotal character

when i first saw the headline, I thought it was a joke. then I thought, you know it could be true. then I looked. and gasped. Idk why I’m surprised anymore. by anything. the fact that the police even showed up just goes to show they are on a whole other plane of thinking now...what was that black guy

exactly. or make them go through extensive mental tests to see if they don’t have these sorts of ‘tendencies’. but it’s been going on for so long, this is exactly what “they” want

we need follow up on this because there is no way she can still be teaching after this is brought to light. and if she is, we need to get her fired. these type of people are getting braver and braver. just because they have a “president” who encourages and promotes this kind of thing. seems once a racist bunch have

I stopped drinking almost entirely bc I don’t need to. But if you do combine the two, the awesome benefit is marijuana takes away the hangover the next morning, at least for me it does

I tried it too for insomnia. It works like a dream but if you have to work the next day, like doing something intense, like anything in the financial field or if you need to concentrate, do not smoke nightly. I’m used to it now so I’m good but drinking coffee helps destroy morning cobwebs. Make sure you have an alarm