“I’m trying to help you. I’m trying to help you.”
“I’m trying to help you. I’m trying to help you.”
*Sound Engineer who Didn’t bleep that speaking with HR*
She used the correct grammar. The simple way to test for ‘I’ vs ‘me’ is to remove the preceding name.
Why do they invite these assholes anyway? Best case scenario is you get cliches and platitudes you get cheaper from a box of inspirational cat posters. It seems you mostly get a slave driving psychopath with a firm knowledge of man defense and an impossible ego
The person in the office has no respect, so Fuck that.
The difference between Kerr and Pop when it comes to their often fawned about social wokeness is that I’m pretty sure Pop would laugh and walk away if asked this question.
When this practice is inevitably banned, look for an article about it on Bar-Stool Sports.
As a Pens fan, it’s maddening to see the Crosby takes. Either he’s a bitch who flops, or a “dirty” player when he starts to give it back. Certainly didn’t get praised for standing around in the ECF getting slashed at the Ottawa bench, followed by water being squirted into his gloves.
Anyway, the water bottle incident…
Wear a helmet.
I want to get inside Ellie from Brooklyn’s head. She’s got some hot existential takes - “the basis of our lives is our beliefs” and “People don’t live their lives on an ideological wavelength” - and decides, on September 12th, to call into Mike and the Mad Dog to share them.
[Puts on flack jacket and shounder pads. Straps on helmet. Puts safety goggles on. Inserts mouth guard. Checks cup. Ties steel toed boots. Looks around. Deep breath.]
The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.
Extremely disappointed at this clickbait garbage. I came here expecting far more Radek than I got. I feel I was lured under false pretense.
LSU missed on #2 WR recruit Sprinty O’Science.
Something like this...
The very notion that we all wonder IF law enforcement will follow a judge’s order is utterly terrifying to me.
What kind of country which has basked in unbelievable wealth and good fortune for at least the last hundred years has a social structure in which someone’s only choice is to become a professional soldier?
Now I am rooting for the Warriors to win it all, just to stick it to Trump. Go to ceremony, and make a speech about his Dad. “Mine died from a terrorist attack, yours was a Klansman”
“It’s ours, Indy! Yours and mine!”
“Go on,” said Berman. “How it’s gonna be. We gonna get a little place.”