
So for Department of the Interior, he’s likely to tab Ethan Allen?

As a Penn State grad (and Paterno hater), I can tell you there is a HUGE difference between true Penn Staters and the Paterno apologists. There is definitely a large group of people you just cannot talk to . And its deplorable. But the rest of us, the alumni, faculty, students, etc who had absolutely no knowledge

The two country divide actually started when Lincoln let the Confederates off the hook after the war and just let them integrate back into society sans any real punishment. There should’ve been trials, hangings, and bannings of Confederate symbols and memorials.

Even if they don’t, John McCain can still go fuck himself.

Why did he need to get up at 2am to come up with that?

We need new events:

You should have seen the Netherlands do this same trick with two guys.

I don’t get it. Touching hands is a lot less physical contact than getting your ass handed to you.

I’m shocked that Will with the stoplight story didn’t choose a name like “Baltimore County David Brooks.”

I thought the article was just OK. It’s interesting but I didn’t think it really explained why the psychological phenomena only occurs in big men, which is really what I was hoping for. The closest thing to an established finding is “the ball is moving faster when it’s at the hoop elevation” and I didn’t think that

Bring back the Patrick Division. And the Adams, Norris and Smythe. Also the Campbell and Prince of Wales conferences.

At first, I read this and assumed it was former Very Important White Dude Paul O’Neill, GWB’s Head Treasury Dude. We live in Possible World that has jumped enough sharks for this to be an actual possibility. :(

I want to live on Dabtron.